
The Biology course guides students through the study of living and non-living systems and how they interact with one another. Students explore the world they live in by posing questions and seeking answers through scientific inquiry. Discovery takes place through observation and data collection.  The students will be introduced to the structure, function, diversity, and evolution of living matter. This is a course with real relevance. It encourages curiosity and provides opportunity for students to work on hands on lab activities and develop relationships through collaboratively learning.  Engaging in the study of biological science broadens the picture of the world around us.

Prerequisite:  none

Course Length:  full year

Credit:  1.0

Be captivated by the wonders and beauty of the third planet from our Sun, Earth. Be amazed by what awaits your discovery within our solar system and beyond. Explore the universe. Earth/Space Science is a laboratory course focusing on the study of space, geologic structures and forces, the waters on our planet, and atmospheric conditions. Through experimentation and investigation, students explore the earth systems including the geosphere, hydrosphere, crysosphere, atmosphere, and the carbon cycle. This course offers interactive experiences, higher-order thinking, collaborative projects, and real-world application along with a variety of assessments. Upon completion of the course, students have a clear understanding of the dynamic forces at work in the world around them, becoming better caretakers of our planet, Earth.

Prequisites: none

Length: full year

Credits: 1.0

This course provides a foundation of chemistry concepts, including: scientific inquiry, Web 2.0 tools, interactive experiences, higher-order thinking, collaborative projects, real-world application, and a variety of assessments.

Prequisites: Algebra I and Algebra 2 (or at least concurrent enrollment)

Length: full year

Credits: 1.0

In each module of Physics I, students discover the contributions of scientific geniuses like Galileo, Newton, and Einstein. Through their work, students learn the concepts, theories, and laws that govern the interaction of matter, energy, and forces. From tiny atoms to galaxies with millions of stars, the universal laws of physics are explained through real-world examples. Using laboratory activities, simulations, images, and interactive elements, students follow in the footsteps of some of the world’s greatest thinkers.

Prequisites: Algebra I, Algebra II, and Chemistry

Length: full year

Credits: 1.0

Explore the organization of the human body and how it works. Acquire knowledge necessary to understand what the body is doing and how you can help the body cope with many different situations. Body systems will be studied in order to understand how their structure, location, and function allow for interaction with other parts of the body.

This version of Anatomy and Physiology is fully compatible with mobile devices. Students can access all course materials, interactivities, and assessments from their tablet or smart phone.

Prerequisite:  Biology

Course Length:   Full Year

Credit:  1.0

This course is designed as an interactive, 21st century course focusing on basic physics and chemistry. Topics include forces and motion, energy through waves, electricity and magnetism, the matter around us, chemical bonding and reactions.
This course is designed to serve as a foundation for the study of the physical sciences. The utilization of scientific inquiry, web 2.0 tools, interactive experiences, higher order thinking, collaborative projects, real world application through labs and a variety of assessments all aid the student in ultimately demonstrating a vast understanding of the importance of the physical and chemical properties of the world around them; enabling them to apply these properties to their everyday lives.

Prequisites: none

Length: full year

Credits: 1.0


Delve deeply into Earth’s bodies of water and study geologic structures and how they impact the oceans. Investigate characteristics of various populations of aquatic life, patterns of distribution, and ongoing changes occurring in our ecosystem.

Pre-Requisites: Biology 1.
Credits: 1
Semesters: 2

This challenging two-semester course engages you in a wide variety of activities. There is substantial emphasis on interpreting and collecting data in virtual labs, writing analytical essays, and mastering biology concepts. This course meets one required science credit for high school graduation.

Prerequisites: Biology, Chemistry, Algebra I

Course Length: full year

Credit: 1.0

GPA Bonus Applies