What's your inspiration?

By Manhattan Virtual Academy

Posted September 28, 2017

The MVA Planner word this week is inspiration. The planner says, “Your source of inspiration should challenge you to be the best person possible.” Inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into. So then, what is your inspiration?

If Manhattan Virtual Academy answers that question, the answer is you. Our brilliant students who work diligently in this virtual environment inspire us. Our talented students who go to classes while having other activities like rodeo and dance inspire us. Our courageous students who face challenges and issues that make going to school difficult, yet continue to try and succeed inspire us. You continually challenge us to be the best we can be.

We hope our teachers and staff are an inspiration to you as well, that’s why we teach and work in education. We want to excite and encourage you find your success, and to go out and make your little (or big) corner of the world an inspiration to others.