Helpful MyIntent questions

By Manhattan Virtual Academy

Posted July 19, 2017

As we posted earlier this month, we see the MyIntent Project as a way to connect and expand the vision of our character development program. Some of the questions we will be asking our students as they explore the possibilities and determine their word include, “How are you making a difference in this world?” “What have you witnessed that has strengthened your faith in humanity?” “What moves you to tears or gives you goosebumps?” These reflective questions encourage students to focus on what they can accomplish, and what is really important to them. It helps take us from superficial to a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other.


In this blog, we will continue to ask questions to encourage those reflective thoughts. As Sheinelle Jones from the Today Show said, “What you think about...... you bring about.” We want to motivate our students to bring about positive change for themselves as well as the world around them. After all, we are about inspiring today’s learners and tomorrow’s leaders for lifelong success!